L2G05 A/V/N-(으)ㄹ걸요 grammar = it is probably, I think, I bet....~give assumption based on backup knowledge
Download L2G05 A/V/N-(으)ㄹ걸요 grammar = it is probably, I think, I bet....~give assumption based on backup knowledge Free
L2G05. A/V/N-(으)ㄹ걸요 grammar = it is probably, I think, I bet...~give assumption based on backup knowledge.
- Express an unsure assumption or supposition (based on the speaker’s backup knowledge)
- Use among close friends and spoken form only (not in written form)
- Express an unsure assumption or supposition (based on the speaker’s backup knowledge)
- Use among close friends and spoken form only (not in written form)
Tense :
Adjective/ Verb:
- 과거 : 았/었을걸요
- 현재 : -(으)ㄹ걸요
- 과거 : 았/었을걸요
- 현재 : -(으)ㄹ걸요
- 과거 : 였을걸요
- 현재 : 일걸요
- 과거 : 였을걸요
- 현재 : 일걸요
1. 혹시 밍 씨 보셨어요?
- 아마 커피숍에 있을걸요. 아까 커피숍에 간다고 했거든요.
- 아마 커피숍에 있을걸요. 아까 커피숍에 간다고 했거든요.
Did you see Mark?
- He is probably at the coffee shop. I heard from him that he went there earlier.
- He is probably at the coffee shop. I heard from him that he went there earlier.
2. 어제 안나 씨가 수영장에 갔을까요?
- 아마 안 갔을걸요. 예전에 수영을 못 한다고 했던 것 같아요.
- 아마 안 갔을걸요. 예전에 수영을 못 한다고 했던 것 같아요.
Do you think Anna went to swimming pool yesterday?
- Perhaps she didn't go. I think she once said that she can’t swim.
- Perhaps she didn't go. I think she once said that she can’t swim.
3. 집 앞에 있는 마트가 몇 시에 여는지 아세요?
- 아마 10시쯤 열걸요. 다른 마트들이 대부분 10시에 열거든요.
- 아마 10시쯤 열걸요. 다른 마트들이 대부분 10시에 열거든요.
Do you know when the mart in front of the house opens?
- I think it opens around 10 because of most of the others open at 10.
- I think it opens around 10 because of most of the others open at 10.
4. 혹시 나미 싸기 출발했을까요?
- 벌써 출발했을걸요. 나미 씨 집이 멀잖아요.
- 벌써 출발했을걸요. 나미 씨 집이 멀잖아요.
Do you think Nami has already left?
- I bet she has already left. Her house is far away.
- I bet she has already left. Her house is far away.
5. 밍 씨가 지금 집에 있을걸요?
- 이 시간에는 보통 운동을 하니까 집에 없을걸요.
- 이 시간에는 보통 운동을 하니까 집에 없을걸요.
Do you think Minh is at home now?
- Since he is usually playing sports at this time, I bet he is not at home.
- Since he is usually playing sports at this time, I bet he is not at home.
6. 미래아파트는 어때요?
- 주위에 술집 많아서 저녁에는 시끄러울걸요.
- 주위에 술집 많아서 저녁에는 시끄러울걸요.
How about the Future apartment
- There are many bars there, so I think it will be loudy in the evening.
- There are many bars there, so I think it will be loudy in the evening.
7. 그 책은 외국 학생이 읽기에 좀 어려울걸요. 한자가 많니까요.
I bet that book will be difficult for foreign student to read because it has many Hanja.
I bet that book will be difficult for foreign student to read because it has many Hanja.
8. 소포가 고향에 도착했을까요?
- 고향까지 일주일 정도 걸리니까 벌써 도착했을걸요.
- 고향까지 일주일 정도 걸리니까 벌써 도착했을걸요.
Do you think that the package has arrived my hometown?
- Since It takes around a week, I bet it has already arrived.
- Since It takes around a week, I bet it has already arrived.
9. 안나 씨가 지금 학교 있을까요?
- 아마 없을걸요. 이 시간에는 학생들이 돌아갔거든요.
- 아마 없을걸요. 이 시간에는 학생들이 돌아갔거든요.
Do you think Anna is at school now?
- Maybe not. At this time, students have gone home.
- Maybe not. At this time, students have gone home.
10. 나미 씨 가방가 동대문에 샀서 비싸지 않을거요.
Since Nami bag was bought in Dongdaemun, it is probably not expensive.
Specific usage:
1. Can be used to softly disagree:
오후 6시에 출발할까요?
- 퇴근시간이라서 길이 많이 막힐걸요.
- 퇴근시간이라서 길이 많이 막힐걸요.
Shall we leave at 6 pm?
- Since it is rush hour, the traffic will probably be jammed.
- Since it is rush hour, the traffic will probably be jammed.
나미 씨랑 극장에 ‘국제시장’을 보러 가기로 해요.
- 나미 씨가 벌써 가 봤을걸요. 이 영화가 너무 유명하거든요.
- 나미 씨가 벌써 가 봤을걸요. 이 영화가 너무 유명하거든요.
I am planning to go to watch the movie “the international market” with Nami.
- I think she has already watched the movie. This movie is very famous.
- I think she has already watched the movie. This movie is very famous.
2. Can’t be used when speaker and listener share the same information.
주말까지 벌써 매진되었어요.
- 그러게요. 영화가 재미있나 봐요. (not 재미있을걸요.)
- 그러게요. 영화가 재미있나 봐요. (not 재미있을걸요.)
It’s already sold out for the entire weekend.
- Yeah. The movie seems interesting.
- Yeah. The movie seems interesting.
이 영화가 재미있을까요?
- 요즘 흥행 1위라고 하니까 재미있을걸요.
- 요즘 흥행 1위라고 하니까 재미있을걸요.
Do you think this movie is interesting?
- It’s ranked number 1 in the box office these days, so it is probably interesting.
- It’s ranked number 1 in the box office these days, so it is probably interesting.
3. Intonation of sentences with this expression rises slightly at the end.
부산시는 날씨가 어떤지 아세요?
- 남쪽이라서 서울보다 더 더울걸요.
- 남쪽이라서 서울보다 더 더울걸요.
Do you know what the weather is like in Busan?
- Since it is in the south, I think it is hotter than Seoul.
- Since it is in the south, I think it is hotter than Seoul.
4. In terms of strength of conviction, -(으)ㄹ걸요 expresses a weaker belief than -(으)ㄹ 거예요.
나미 싸기 점심을 먹었을까요?
- 먹었을걸요. 지금 3시잖아요.
- 먹었을 거예요. 아까 식당에 밥 먹으러 간다고 하더라고요.
- 먹었을걸요. 지금 3시잖아요.
- 먹었을 거예요. 아까 식당에 밥 먹으러 간다고 하더라고요.
Do you think Nami has had lunch?
- I think she ate. It is 3pm now.
- I am sure she has. She told me she went to the cafeteria to eat a while ago.
- I think she ate. It is 3pm now.
- I am sure she has. She told me she went to the cafeteria to eat a while ago.